Maintain Your Tyres to Save Them from These Common issues

Every vehicle component is important for smooth driving. However, the role of tyres is unique because only these components make direct contact with the road surface. Tyres are similar to shoes that you wear for safety and comfort while walking on the ground.

Cheap tyres Long Eaton constantly rub their body with the road surface. Moreover, weather conditions make them less efficient over time. Furthermore, drivers make some mistakes that decrease their health as well. As a result, several issues take place in car tyres. These issues suck their strength to make them unable to serve your needs. Finally, you have to change them when they become extremely weak and old.

You can push the time of retirement if you maintain your tyres with proper guidelines. A lot of guidelines are available in your user manual. Moreover, you will find common tips to maintain your tyres in this blog as well.

Commonly car tyres face the following issues during their lifespan:


Tyres come with a tread pattern. Tread in car tyres is a supportive layer that protects them against several issues like punctures and blowouts. Moreover, this outer layer is extremely important to maintain proper grip and traction.

Due to the issue of tread wear tyres lose their tread depth quick or steadily. The rate of wear depends on driving conditions. The most common reasons for tread wear in tyres are friction, heat, speed of the vehicle, incorrect air pressure and wrong wheel alignment.

Treadwear is a risky issue because it decreases the gripping power of car tyres. Therefore, the Government of the UK has set a legal limit for tread depth. According to their rules and regulations, tyres should not hit the minimum limit of 1.6mm tread depth. They become illegal after reaching this limit.

Preventive maintenance

You must measure the tread depth regularly to avoid the negative effects of tread wear. You can use a tread depth gauge or simply a coin to measure the tread depth. You can try to observe tread wear bars to examine the condition of the tread pattern.

Some precautions may keep you away from the tread depth. You can slow down the speed of your vehicle to reduce the effects of heat and friction. Moreover, do not make mistakes like overloading to preserve your tread depth for a long time. Check wheel alignment and air pressure regularly to avoid chances of tread wear.


Cracks in car tyres take place due to the changing chemical nature of rubber material. Due to the chemical changes, tyre rubber becomes hard and brittle over time. You can observe the hardness of rubber in the form of cracks on the sidewall. This process is natural because rubber material is a carbonic compound.

Moreover, Cracks in car tyres occur due to factors like overloading, heat, sunshine, UV rays and sunshine.

Cracks are small in size in the initial stage. Gradually size is increased and they become wider and deeper to weaken your car tyres steadily.

Cracks should not be present in your tyres because they are responsible for several issues like punctures, and blowouts.

Preventive maintenance

You can slow down the process of ageing in car tyres. Save your tyres from factors like heat, sunshine and chemicals to improve the condition of your rubber material. Moreover, stay away from habits like overloading and over-speeding to decrease the negative effects of friction and heat. You have limited options after the occurrence of cracks in the sidewall. Therefore, you should change your tyres after observing this warning signal.


Bulges take place in tyres when a hard object hits your tyres. These hits may injure your tyres internally to affect internal components. Bulges are indeed a sign of internal injury. They indicate that your tyres are not in good condition. Present of a bulge on the sidewall is a big threat. Bulges cause blowouts due to supportive factors like high speed and high air pressure.

Preventive maintenance

Drive your car cautiously to avoid hard objects like potholes and bumps. Moreover, do not overload your vehicle because this practice also increases the chances of formation of bulges. Change your tyres if you cannot save your tyres from bulges.

Cuts and punctures

Sharp edges of iron blades can cause deep and wide cuts in the tread and sidewall of car tyres. These cuts may reach the internal components to decrease the strength of car tyres.

Punctures are tiny holes that cause the absence of air pressure in tyres. A pointed object like an iron nail causes a puncture in the tread or sidewall of your tyre.

Punctures are repairable if they are not too deep and they are present in the tread area. Mechanics usually do not repair a tyre with sidewall punctures.

Preventive maintenance

Avoiding objects like shards of glass, screws, and iron blades is impossible on open roads. However, you can make your best efforts to avoid these objects.

Do not drive your car to prevent further damage after a puncture. Cuts are not repairable in most cases. So, you must change your Cheap tyres Long Eaton after observing deep cuts in the sidewall or tread part.


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